Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What makes us Vineyard?

I have been part of the Vineyard movement for a little more than 23 years now. In all this time we have continued to struggle to define ourselves. It seems important to us to know what we are and what we are not. We often speak in terms of identifying our DNA. In essence, we want to know what underlying beliefs, values, and practices define our “modo de proceder” – our way of proceeding – doing things – being in the world. It helps as we try to explain ourselves to others but even more important, as we try to reproduce ourselves in new people and new churches. I would like to suggest 7 things as foundational to the Vineyard.

1. The Kingdom of God is already here but not yet complete – This gives us a framework from the “future” to understand our present. Maybe, most of all, it allows us to understand the whole of the Christian life within the tension of success with failure; victory with defeat; wholeness with brokenness; joy with suffering.

2. The church as an eschatological community – Our way of living as a community of God’s people is determined by the future – a future that is becoming a reality in the present. What we will be shapes how we live now. It is God’s vision of the future that defines our life together today.

3. Real Presence – We expect the whole of our life and ministry to be enlivened and empowered by the real presence of God through the Spirit. We feel his presence; are touched by his love and hear his voice.

4. Everyone gets to play – Every person is important and has a valuable contribution to make in the church and in the world.

5. Servant Leadership – The opportunity and privilege to influence others is won by our service not by power. Loving others earns the trust to lead them in the fulfillment of shared vision.

6. Cultural authenticity – We are not Vineyard because of the commonality of our culture but because of the authenticity of our cultural expression to the context in which we are living.

7. Practice as a priority over Dogma – While the bible is authoritative for our faith, we are more concerned to live what we know than to know more.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what makes us who we are as the Vineyard.


Randall Neighbour said...

Michael, one Vineyard distinctive I see beyond your existing list is that there is a distinct lack of legalism. There's freedom to be and become who you are, not what a denomination or a local church thinks you should be so you can "tow the line" or "fit in."

I can't really come up with a concise way to say what I have sensed for years at our church and other Vineyards I visit.

mjpalandro said...

Good point Randall!

I agree. There is a definite leaning toward non-conformism. It seems to be a leaning toward grace instead of legalism.

I would appreciate it if you could try to state it in a phrase or short sentence. Then I can add it to the "definitive" list :)

Iron Celiac said...

I ordered the book Heroic Leadership and look forward to reading it. Thanks for the recommendation.

mjpalandro said...


Awesome that you are going to read Heroic Leadership. I would love to hear your thoughts as you work through it.